Learning to Grieve Anti-Asian Racism as an Asian American
Youn Yuh-jung’s words about expecting mistreatment and thus not feeling sorrow have been helpful for me in thinking about my apparent lack of grief over recent events in the news.
Read moreYoun Yuh-jung’s words about expecting mistreatment and thus not feeling sorrow have been helpful for me in thinking about my apparent lack of grief over recent events in the news.
Read moreFor the Asian American community, the reality is that the intersections of pain and grief are often compounded by shame and silence.
Read moreWe Asian Americans might not say it out loud, but many of us have internalized a racist, reductionist history. We believe that the way to success is to work hard, and we pride ourselves in having done just that. We came to this country with nothing, speaking a foreign language, and we worked hard, saved money, and we achieved the American dream. And so when we look at the status of African Americans, we dismissively assume that they didn’t work as hard as we did, and we just conclude that only they are to blame.
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Read moreTwo years ago, I became a father myself. The pregnancy process was marked by joy and excitement, but underlying it all were deeply embedded fears. What if I become like my dad? What if I follow in the footsteps of my dad, just like he followed in the footsteps of his dad?
Read moreMost Asian Americans have internalized two visions of human flourishing: American self-actualization and Asian familial harmony. How does this play out in our lives? And what does it mean for the Asian American Christian?
Read more“Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.”
Read moreOur Asian collectivism side may want us to bear the burdens of others, but our Western individualism side may want us to recognize that people need to bear their own loads. But maybe that tension is a good thing.
Read moreThe psychology of a Chinese American Presbyterian deciding between ministry opportunities in Asian or non-Asian churches, suburban churches or urban churches, Reformed churches or broadly evangelical churches.
Read moreLast week, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the United States’ largest Protestant denomination, held its Annual Meeting in Dallas. Almost
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