God Over Nations
How should Christians approach multi-ethnicity when thinking about work of God? Can we celebrate distinct cultures without losing unity in Christ?
Read moreHow should Christians approach multi-ethnicity when thinking about work of God? Can we celebrate distinct cultures without losing unity in Christ?
Read moreWhy taking the side of the Kingdom helps us maintain unity while also pursuing justice.
Read moreToday marks year 501 of the Protestant Reformation. We explore three ways the Church can continue her Reformation work into the next 500 years.
Read moreMany churches are observing the National Day of Prayer today. How do we pray together for the United States as Kingdom people?
Read moreShame is the terrible sense that one is somehow unworthy of “ehad”. Perhaps understanding the link between shame and racism will help us to be less myopic about its instances see just how serious even micro-expressions of this stuff can be.
Read moreConservatives and what we now call progressives have moralities that mutually exclude each other.
Read moreThe real reason that worship heals or strengthens weary hearts is not the song, the musicianship, or the performer. It’s the shalom that is created.
Read moreMany people have a dream of what the church could be. It’s time to stop dreaming and live in reality.
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